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FCN MoneyCoach Release Notes October 2022

fcn moneycoach release notes Oct 31, 2022

The following release notes relate to:
Version: 3.0.19 20221028 and
SDK Version: 2.0.0 20221028


Enhancement – Budget Summary

We made an enhancement to the Budget and Goals page, so that budgeted income and expenses, with actual income and expenses and percentage remaining for the month is now viewable. This will allow clients to see exactly what their overall Income and Expense position is at any time during the month.

 budget summary

Enhancement – Apply client rules to Manual Data uploads

With some banks choosing to shut down screen-scraping by Yodlee and other 3rd-party data providers, our Manual Data Account and Manual Data Upload capabilities have become even more important. Traditionally, manual data had to be categorized manually, but we are now changing that. The first change is to ensure that Client-level (end user) rulesets apply to manually uploaded transactions (which, as of this release, is now the case). Coming soon, we will also make sure that any business account-level rulesets will also apply to all clients’ manual data uploads.

 Link Financial AccountsManual Data Upload

BUG FIX – Transaction Notes Page

We fixed a bug which was resulting in the transaction notes page limiting the number of rows displayed to just ten. Where there are more than ten notes you can now view the transaction notes by changing the number if items per page, or by clicking through to the next display page.

Transaction Notes

Other Fixes and Enhancements

A list of other fixes and enhancements that have also been included in the latest software release are included below – if you would like more detail on any of these, please get in touch with FCN MoneyCoach Support or your Account Manager:

  • Enhancement: Created HTML embed code to allow Adviser-level users to sign up via a web page to an activated business account
  • Performance: Modified the way in which transaction rules are processed to relieve processing load on the FCN MoneyCoach server – most client rulesets processing within 2-15 seconds.
  • Bug: Partial fix to resolve an issue with saving and updating the account balance for manual data accounts
  • Bug: Fixed an issue where the start balance for goals was incorrectly calculating the start balance for goals
  • Bug: Fixed module selection in Auto Fact Find – selected modules will now display correctly in the Fact Find wizard
  • Bug: Fixed an issue to ensure Investment-type accounts will now updating the associated holdings information correctly
  • Bug: Fixed an issue whereby deleting a Household Member would also delete the Primary user account